Japanese Culture
(too old to reply)
2004-06-19 14:30:01 UTC

I've been reading through many forums and groups such as this one for
a few months now trying to get a feel for Japan and it's culture and
it's people. However, I am having difficulty.

I live in Ontario, Canada and things are not so good here. At least
not for me. I hate the philosophy these people appear to have, or
should I say their LACK of a philosophy at all. They just go about
their mindless days - get up, go to work, come home, barbeque, have
sex, watch tv, sleep, repeat. I can't stand it any longer!

For years I have been getting into computer science and such hoping I
would be able to leave this place and live alone away from these
morons, like move to the states. But I was young then and now I
realize there is no escaping them. They are everywhere. Until I found
Japan. At least what I have seen/read/heard anyways. Which brings me

Everyone here is of the opinion that 'asian people' think of
themselves as better than everyone else and that they would treat
other people (like me) like a dog walking in the streets. I can't
begin to understand this. Everything Japanese I have ever seen is
civil and polite and at the very least RATIONAL. I think that perhaps
since I live near a large University (U of W) everyone thinks that the
chinese people are the only asians there are. And some of them tend to
be a little arrogant.

Can someone give me some reassurment that my quest to go as far from
North America as possible isn't a total rediculous idea? I want to
respect people who deserve the respect, and be respected by them. I
really am trying to free myself from this horrid place in search of
something even just a LITTLE better! I sincerely think that Japan
could very well be this place for me... I just need someone to flush
the stereotypes from my head! There are arrogant/stupid people
EVERYWHERE - but it seems to me that the percentage of stupid I would
face in Japan is miniscule behind the shadow of the American horde.

Help please,
Ryan Funduk

p.s. A few months ago I began to learn the language as well, it is
proving quite interesting and would love any advice on where to go
after graduating to 'beginner' :)
James Eckman
2004-06-20 01:15:01 UTC
Post by Funduk
I live in Ontario, Canada and things are not so good here. At least
not for me. I hate the philosophy these people appear to have, or
should I say their LACK of a philosophy at all. They just go about
their mindless days - get up, go to work, come home, barbeque, have
sex, watch tv, sleep, repeat. I can't stand it any longer!
I think that there are many Japanese who would envy that lifestyle.
Especially having a house and yard.
Post by Funduk
For years I have been getting into computer science
Talk about the anti-culture major!
Post by Funduk
now I realize there is no escaping them. They are everywhere. Until I found
Japan. At least what I have seen/read/heard anyways.
Sounds like your ready to write dark novels at least ;)
Post by Funduk
Everyone here is of the opinion that 'asian people' think of
themselves as better than everyone else
Everyone? Asian people? That's a very broad brush.
Post by Funduk
Everything Japanese I have ever seen is
civil and polite and at the very least RATIONAL.
Subscribe to Japanese TV for a month, you will soon be cured of this
affliction. It will improve your Japanese as well!

I think that perhaps
Post by Funduk
since I live near a large University (U of W) everyone thinks that the
chinese people are the only asians there are. And some of them tend to
be a little arrogant.
In this world, there are arrogant people. You mean there aren't any in
Post by Funduk
Can someone give me some reassurment that my quest to go as far from
North America as possible isn't a total rediculous idea?
No, journey to the west...

I want to
Post by Funduk
respect people who deserve the respect, and be respected by them. I
really am trying to free myself from this horrid place in search of
something even just a LITTLE better!
You can't escape yourself, I suggest a change in attitude.
Post by Funduk
but it seems to me that the percentage of stupid I would
face in Japan is miniscule behind the shadow of the American horde.
There is certainly a strong non-thinking part of America, look who we
elected as president. If you go to Japan, you will find you are will
treated well but there is a large crowd of meishi, furo, neru types
there as well.

Hopefully you will encounter only the good parts of Japanese culture and
not the ugly parts, however unless you work, you will find it hard to
make friends with older Japanese males since they mostly associate with
coworkers or old college buddies. Of course that describes many of my
friends as well ^_^. The only difference is that I have many friends I
have met through hobby activities which aren't as popular among the male
Japanese, mostly due to lack of time.

2004-06-21 13:30:02 UTC
Post by James Eckman
Post by Funduk
I live in Ontario, Canada and things are not so good here. At least
not for me. I hate the philosophy these people appear to have, or
should I say their LACK of a philosophy at all. They just go about
their mindless days - get up, go to work, come home, barbeque, have
sex, watch tv, sleep, repeat. I can't stand it any longer!
I think that there are many Japanese who would envy that lifestyle.
Especially having a house and yard.
Not me, I don't want a house OR a yard. I'm a simple person not bent
on desires and materialistic 'possesions' - such as property.
Post by James Eckman
Post by Funduk
For years I have been getting into computer science
Talk about the anti-culture major!
I'm sorry I seem unable to distinguish typed sarcasm and typed
sincerity... What does computer science have to do with American
culture? If anything computer science is bigger (and better?) in
Post by James Eckman
Post by Funduk
now I realize there is no escaping them. They are everywhere. Until I found
Japan. At least what I have seen/read/heard anyways.
Sounds like your ready to write dark novels at least ;)
Thanks for your professional opinion, I will look into that.
Post by James Eckman
Post by Funduk
Everyone here is of the opinion that 'asian people' think of
themselves as better than everyone else
Everyone? Asian people? That's a very broad brush.
Yes it is, unfortunately that is quite literally what I deal with
everyday. A 'broad brush' of idiots. And yes, 'asian people', my
fellow Ontarians don't know the difference.
Post by James Eckman
Post by Funduk
Everything Japanese I have ever seen is
civil and polite and at the very least RATIONAL.
Subscribe to Japanese TV for a month, you will soon be cured of this
affliction. It will improve your Japanese as well!
...Ok... How am I supposed to subscribe to Japanese TV? All we have to
choose from here in hick-ville is Rogers, and you can't get stuff like
that unless you go with some crazy expensive satellite company, which
I can't do.
Post by James Eckman
I think that perhaps
Post by Funduk
since I live near a large University (U of W) everyone thinks that the
chinese people are the only asians there are. And some of them tend to
be a little arrogant.
In this world, there are arrogant people. You mean there aren't any in
...No I was saying that there are ONLY arrogant people in ontario...
and that the conservatives living in beechwood only see the arrogant
easterner's... which is why i am trying to figure out the truth, as
opposed to confusion-fueled idiocy.
Post by James Eckman
Post by Funduk
Can someone give me some reassurment that my quest to go as far from
North America as possible isn't a total rediculous idea?
No, journey to the west...

Can someone help me write?
No! Use a pen!
... Thanks.
Post by James Eckman
I want to
Post by Funduk
respect people who deserve the respect, and be respected by them. I
really am trying to free myself from this horrid place in search of
something even just a LITTLE better!
You can't escape yourself, I suggest a change in attitude.
Ah, yes, a change in attitude - combined with a much needed change in
scenery. That is what I was getting at, I'm glad you agree.
Post by James Eckman
Post by Funduk
but it seems to me that the percentage of stupid I would
face in Japan is miniscule behind the shadow of the American horde.
There is certainly a strong non-thinking part of America, look who we
elected as president. If you go to Japan, you will find you are will
treated well but there is a large crowd of meishi, furo, neru types
there as well.
Hopefully you will encounter only the good parts of Japanese culture and
not the ugly parts, however unless you work, you will find it hard to
make friends with older Japanese males since they mostly associate with
coworkers or old college buddies. Of course that describes many of my
friends as well ^_^. The only difference is that I have many friends I
have met through hobby activities which aren't as popular among the male
Japanese, mostly due to lack of time.
I dont care about making friends. I care about leaving north america.
The most useful sentence I got from your post was this: "If you go to
Japan, you will find you are will treated well-"

That is what i wanted to know, people here say that I would not be
treated well. Now that i know different, i will probably go... Thank
James Eckman
2004-06-21 23:45:01 UTC
Post by Funduk
Not me, I don't want a house OR a yard. I'm a simple person not bent
on desires and materialistic 'possesions' - such as property.
Japan has one of the highest costs of living in the world, so no worries
there. Also at least for Tokyo, be prepared to dress nicely if you are
looking for work. Many Japanese in the Tokyo area are very much into
designer clothes and the like.
Post by Funduk
Post by Funduk
I'm sorry I seem unable to distinguish typed sarcasm and typed
sincerity... What does computer science have to do with American
According to one survey, the average computer programmer/scientest type
reads less than a book a year. (Robert Yourdon) Which of course matches
up with many average Americans ;)

If anything computer science is bigger (and better?) in
Post by Funduk
In certain areas, like language recognition and others the Japanese are
doing a lot of study, but according to my visiting scholar friends at
Stanford, many computer texts are either still from America in English
or are translations. I wouldn't say they have any real dominance in the
Post by Funduk
Post by Funduk
Sounds like your ready to write dark novels at least ;)
Thanks for your professional opinion, I will look into that.
I've only edited technical magazines, but if you read Banana Yoshimoto,
who's probably the lightest of the Japanese fiction authors, you'll find
she writes about suicide and other happy topics. I don't recommend the
Murakami's unless you are ready for some really 'happy' writing. The
slightly older writers like Abe and the like are not usually very upbeat
either. This is very different than most American lit.
Post by Funduk
Post by Funduk
Everyone? Asian people? That's a very broad brush.
Yes it is, unfortunately that is quite literally what I deal with
everyday. A 'broad brush' of idiots. And yes, 'asian people', my
fellow Ontarians don't know the difference.
People act as you would expect them to act, thinking everyone is an
idiot is a sure way to make them seem so.
Post by Funduk
...Ok... How am I supposed to subscribe to Japanese TV? All we have to
choose from here in hick-ville is Rogers, and you can't get stuff like
that unless you go with some crazy expensive satellite company, which
I can't do.
I don't know about Dish or other providers in Canada, in the US it would
be at least $30 a month.
Post by Funduk
Post by Funduk
No, journey to the west...
Japan is west of Ontario, Canada, go west young man...
Post by Funduk
I dont care about making friends. I care about leaving north america.
The most useful sentence I got from your post was this: "If you go to
Japan, you will find you are will treated well-"
At least I'm a somewhat useful idiot then. Wear nice clothes, you will
be treated better. Suits are best.

2004-06-23 03:15:01 UTC
Post by James Eckman
Post by Funduk
Not me, I don't want a house OR a yard. I'm a simple person not bent
on desires and materialistic 'possesions' - such as property.
Japan has one of the highest costs of living in the world, so no worries
there. Also at least for Tokyo, be prepared to dress nicely if you are
looking for work. Many Japanese in the Tokyo area are very much into
designer clothes and the like.
Post by Funduk
Post by Funduk
I'm sorry I seem unable to distinguish typed sarcasm and typed
sincerity... What does computer science have to do with American
According to one survey, the average computer programmer/scientest type
reads less than a book a year. (Robert Yourdon) Which of course matches
up with many average Americans ;)
Yourdon is the Rev. Jim Jones of computers.
James Eckman
2004-06-23 13:15:01 UTC
Post by Liam
Post by James Eckman
According to one survey, the average computer programmer/scientest type
reads less than a book a year. (Robert Yourdon) Which of course matches
up with many average Americans ;)
Yourdon is the Rev. Jim Jones of computers.
Don't drink the kool-aid, or lick your fingers when reading his books.
He's certainly thought provoking if nothing else.

I did leave out one major area of software development that the Japanese
are involved in, game development. Since some of the most popular
console games are from Japan, they do well in this area.

If your fairly young with a degree from a prestigious college, it's even
possible to get a job in Japan. A friend of mine who attended MIT landed
a programmer job in Japan last year.

I also get a bit jealous when reading through magazines at the book
store and seeing technical hobby magazines with real electrical projects
unlike the modern Popular Electronics and their ilk in America.

P.S. How many books do you read a year? The unofficial Yourdon survey ;)

Michael Cash
2004-06-21 23:45:01 UTC
Post by Funduk
I dont care about making friends. I care about leaving north america.
The most useful sentence I got from your post was this: "If you go to
Japan, you will find you are will treated well-"
That is what i wanted to know, people here say that I would not be
treated well. Now that i know different, i will probably go... Thank
I think that inside of a year you will be one of the most bitterly
disillusioned foreigners that this country has ever chewed up and spit
out. And there has been no small number of them, brother.

Michael Cash
Kiryu, Japan

Michael Cash

"I am sorry, Mr. Cash, but we are unable to accept your rap sheet in lieu of
a high school transcript."

Dr. Howard Sprague
Dean of Admissions
Mount Pilot College
2004-06-24 12:45:02 UTC
Post by Michael Cash
Post by Funduk
I dont care about making friends. I care about leaving north america.
The most useful sentence I got from your post was this: "If you go to
Japan, you will find you are will treated well-"
That is what i wanted to know, people here say that I would not be
treated well. Now that i know different, i will probably go... Thank
I think that inside of a year you will be one of the most bitterly
disillusioned foreigners that this country has ever chewed up and spit
out. And there has been no small number of them, brother.
Michael Cash
Kiryu, Japan
I was dissilusioned after a few months, and i had never even lived in

Seriously mike. Remeber he is Canadian and canadians think:

Canada is hell on earth. One ought to move to better place like
botswana as soon as one gets a visa

America and japan are heaven, and any drawbacks in their society were
invented by evil statisticians
2004-07-03 02:45:01 UTC
If you are young enough, how about trying working holiday program? You are
lucky to be a Canadian. (are you?)

Everybody has their own opinion. I think you'd better see it by yourself.

I think there is no good or bad culture but perhaps there are cultures you
like or you don't like.
Post by Funduk
I've been reading through many forums and groups such as this one for
a few months now trying to get a feel for Japan and it's culture and
it's people. However, I am having difficulty.
I live in Ontario, Canada and things are not so good here. At least
not for me. I hate the philosophy these people appear to have, or
should I say their LACK of a philosophy at all. They just go about
their mindless days - get up, go to work, come home, barbeque, have
sex, watch tv, sleep, repeat. I can't stand it any longer!
For years I have been getting into computer science and such hoping I
would be able to leave this place and live alone away from these
morons, like move to the states. But I was young then and now I
realize there is no escaping them. They are everywhere. Until I found
Japan. At least what I have seen/read/heard anyways. Which brings me
Everyone here is of the opinion that 'asian people' think of
themselves as better than everyone else and that they would treat
other people (like me) like a dog walking in the streets. I can't
begin to understand this. Everything Japanese I have ever seen is
civil and polite and at the very least RATIONAL. I think that perhaps
since I live near a large University (U of W) everyone thinks that the
chinese people are the only asians there are. And some of them tend to
be a little arrogant.
Can someone give me some reassurment that my quest to go as far from
North America as possible isn't a total rediculous idea? I want to
respect people who deserve the respect, and be respected by them. I
really am trying to free myself from this horrid place in search of
something even just a LITTLE better! I sincerely think that Japan
could very well be this place for me... I just need someone to flush
the stereotypes from my head! There are arrogant/stupid people
EVERYWHERE - but it seems to me that the percentage of stupid I would
face in Japan is miniscule behind the shadow of the American horde.
Help please,
Ryan Funduk
p.s. A few months ago I began to learn the language as well, it is
proving quite interesting and would love any advice on where to go
after graduating to 'beginner' :)
Guus Veldhuis
2004-08-04 20:30:01 UTC
I have just returned from my first visit to japan and it has amazed me.
See pictures and stories in my weblog, maybe it will help you.
Bye Guus

Webpage http://guus.dse.nl/ Weblog http://zapguz.dse.nl/ Photosite
http://zapfoto.dse.nl/ E-mail ***@dse.nl
icq 15582630 msn as ***@hotmail.com New and you can join too
2004-08-04 22:45:02 UTC
Post by Guus Veldhuis
I have just returned from my first visit to japan and it has amazed me.
See pictures and stories in my weblog, maybe it will help you.
Bye Guus
Webpage http://guus.dse.nl/ Weblog http://zapguz.dse.nl/ Photosite
I would have liked to read the weblog, but I can't figure the order of
the thing out, where it begins where it ends. I like the whole idea of
blogging, but must say the upside-down read is no more intuitive than
the MS Outlook Express approach. I have a heck of a time reading a
conversation upside down.
First they gerrymander us into one-party fiefs. Then they tell us they only
care about the swing districts. Then they complain about voter apathy.
-- Gail Collins
Guus Veldhuis
2004-08-07 01:30:02 UTC
Post by Gerry
Post by Guus Veldhuis
I have just returned from my first visit to japan and it has amazed me.
See pictures and stories in my weblog, maybe it will help you.
Bye Guus
I would have liked to read the weblog, but I can't figure the order of
the thing out, where it begins where it ends. I like the whole idea of
blogging, but must say the upside-down read is no more intuitive than
the MS Outlook Express approach. I have a heck of a time reading a
conversation upside down.
yes it is difficult, well go back to the first week of july and start there.