Japanese Woman: A good wife for a North American Man?
(too old to reply)
2005-09-05 18:13:22 UTC
This is a topic I have not given much thought to since after WW II when
so many American GIs married, and brought to the USA, their newly
minted "Japanese War Bride." That caused a stir in our majority white
society of that time. Particulary difficult for Americans on the home
front, or GIs who never saw post-war Japan, was the unbelievable
thought that an American GI would MARRY one of the enemy women.
Americans, during the war, were brought to believe, through wartime
propaganda, and some frightening factual information, that the Japanese
were an evil bunch of people, never to be trusted again, if they ever
were trusted.

I am reasonably sure that articles and books have been written about
the success or failure of those early marriages. Now, however, the
young brides and their husbands have faded from view, just as WWII is
fading into the greater history of the world.

Now, as a widower, I am looking around at the prospects of finding the
"perfect wife." For me, I am told she should be OLD. That is the
consensus of most women in the United States, at least. They tell me
that a 70 year old man has no right to marry a young woman. Most do not
even say why I cannot aspire to live with a good looking, sexy woman
now, much less when I am 80 for G-d's sake!

With that situation and background, I have set out on a worldwide
search for the perfect wife for this particular 70 year old widower in
the USA, searching for a nice younger wife.

While looking for Latin American women on a Latin American Personals
Web Site, I first found out that many of the women looking for men
where actually from the Philippines. Later on, it dawned on me, that
there might be cute Japanese women on there too. (I picture most any
Japanese woman as being "cute") Sure enough, there they were! Wow!
Good looking and looking for a husband. Knowing nothing about the
modern Japanese culture, however, I am trying to find out more about
these women and what I might be getting myself into. That is, if any
Japanese woman will really have anything to do with me. :-)

At this point, I am beginning to wonder if I really want to get
married. Maybe, subconsiously, I just want to conntinue surfing the
Web, lonely and looking until I die a lonesome death in my Lazy-Boy
chair. There the discoverer of the body will find a decrepit old man,
with a laptop computer, rather than a laptop girl.

Good friends, do you have any good information to share on my topic? Do
Japanese Women still make good wives for North American Men?
2005-09-15 17:28:46 UTC
Post by Slug
This is a topic I have not given much thought to since after WW II when
so many American GIs married, and brought to the USA, their newly
minted "Japanese War Bride." That caused a stir in our majority white
society of that time. Particulary difficult for Americans on the home
front, or GIs who never saw post-war Japan, was the unbelievable
thought that an American GI would MARRY one of the enemy women.
Americans, during the war, were brought to believe, through wartime
propaganda, and some frightening factual information, that the Japanese
were an evil bunch of people, never to be trusted again, if they ever
were trusted.
I am reasonably sure that articles and books have been written about
the success or failure of those early marriages. Now, however, the
young brides and their husbands have faded from view, just as WWII is
fading into the greater history of the world.
Now, as a widower, I am looking around at the prospects of finding the
"perfect wife." For me, I am told she should be OLD. That is the
consensus of most women in the United States, at least. They tell me
that a 70 year old man has no right to marry a young woman. Most do not
even say why I cannot aspire to live with a good looking, sexy woman
now, much less when I am 80 for G-d's sake!
With that situation and background, I have set out on a worldwide
search for the perfect wife for this particular 70 year old widower in
the USA, searching for a nice younger wife.
While looking for Latin American women on a Latin American Personals
Web Site, I first found out that many of the women looking for men
where actually from the Philippines. Later on, it dawned on me, that
there might be cute Japanese women on there too. (I picture most any
Japanese woman as being "cute") Sure enough, there they were! Wow!
Good looking and looking for a husband. Knowing nothing about the
modern Japanese culture, however, I am trying to find out more about
these women and what I might be getting myself into. That is, if any
Japanese woman will really have anything to do with me. :-)
At this point, I am beginning to wonder if I really want to get
married. Maybe, subconsiously, I just want to conntinue surfing the
Web, lonely and looking until I die a lonesome death in my Lazy-Boy
chair. There the discoverer of the body will find a decrepit old man,
with a laptop computer, rather than a laptop girl.
Good friends, do you have any good information to share on my topic? Do
Japanese Women still make good wives for North American Men?
Japan isn’t a deprived country anymore; if you’re looking
for a youthful woman who is prepared to marry an elderly man for money
(that’s the customary basis) you should be looking towards
Thailand, Vietnam, places like that.

If you’re looking for a young woman who has a fetish for aged men
I don’t know where you should look but I’m sure there must
be websites for that sort of thing.

Hope I’ve been of help.

2005-09-16 01:24:25 UTC
Post by Slug
Good friends, do you have any good information to share on my topic? Do
Japanese Women still make good wives for North American Men?
Japan isn?$B!G?(Bt a deprived country anymore; if you?$B!G?(Bre looking
for a youthful woman who is prepared to marry an elderly man for money
(that?$B!G?(Bs the customary basis) you should be looking towards
Thailand, Vietnam, places like that.
Sorry, but if he's looking for someone to marry him for his money, he
should try North or South America, Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia, as
well as various Pacific island nations.

But Antarctica is probably right out.

Seriously, Japan is no different in that regard than any other nation.

2005-09-17 07:11:23 UTC
Post by m***@netMAPSONscape.net
Post by Slug
Good friends, do you have any good information to share on my topic? Do
Japanese Women still make good wives for North American Men?
Japan isn?$B!G?(Bt a deprived country anymore; if you?$B!G?(Bre looking
for a youthful woman who is prepared to marry an elderly man for money
(that?$B!G?(Bs the customary basis) you should be looking towards
Thailand, Vietnam, places like that.
Sorry, but if he's looking for someone to marry him for his money, he
should try North or South America, Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia, as
well as various Pacific island nations.
But Antarctica is probably right out.
Seriously, Japan is no different in that regard than any other nation.
Depends on how much money he has, if he's just an ordinary guy he'll have to
look to the third world.
