Looking for Japanese "Amazon.com"
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John Doe
2004-11-05 01:00:03 UTC
I apologize if this is off-topic. I hope not, but if it is - please
let me know where it is appropriate to post this (be it Usenet or ant
other forum)

Let me elaborate what I am looking for.

What I am looking for is just a regular CORDED phone for home. The
kind that you would see in the office connected to the digital
telephone system, with a bunch of one-touch dial buttons, large
screen, phone book for at least 50 numbers that shows the person name
and the number itself and built-in answering machine, but it should
work with the regular telephone line in the US.

The only phone I found so far is


It is somewhat expensive ( $266, you can still buy it even though it
is no longer produced), and way too large. I also don't need 3 lines.

It seems that no other phone like this exists on the US market (there
similar, but none of them has built-in answering machine, and all of
them have similar form factor that is too large).

I believe something like that should be available in Japan. Does
anyone know if Japanese phone system is compatible with US ? If it
does -
can anyone recommend a company that does "unofficial" electronics
import from Japan ? Kind of like DYNAMISM.COM (they don't deal with
regular phones). Or maybe just point me to some Japanese website that
ships to US. I don't speak Japanese at all, so it should have English
version :-D
Robert La Ferla
2004-11-05 04:30:02 UTC
Post by John Doe
What I am looking for is just a regular CORDED phone for home. The
kind that you would see in the office connected to the digital
telephone system, with a bunch of one-touch dial buttons, large
screen, phone book for at least 50 numbers that shows the person name
and the number itself and built-in answering machine, but it should
work with the regular telephone line in the US.
Forgive me for stating the obvious but why not try the Japanese
Amazon.com (www.amazon.co.jp)?

Here's one phone made by Sharp on Amazon Japan:

I don't think it will work in the US. I have a small phone that I tried
here and it worked somewhat but caused problems with the phone line.
The Aastra is actually a great phone that was originally designed by
Nortel. Generally pricey but worth every penny. I have not used that
specific model, however.
Robert La Ferla
2004-11-05 04:30:01 UTC
Better yet, just try www.hellodirect.com. They are a popular mail order
company in the US with many corded phones from Panasonic and the like.
John Doe
2004-11-09 01:45:01 UTC
Post by Robert La Ferla
Better yet, just try www.hellodirect.com. They are a popular mail order
company in the US with many corded phones from Panasonic and the like.

I am now eternally grateful !

AT&T 984 is just what I am looking for !!!
